More Visitors in Ghana

Many people who are doing service work in Ghana for the summer visit the Church Administrative Office. Most are members of the Church and come by to see the Temple which is a landmark in Accra. It is good to see so many young people interested in helping developing countries.

John Mangham
This is John Mangum with Elders Sim and Stirland.
John is doing a vocational training survey for a BYU study.
On his first day here, he asked to meet some missionaries to learn
how to eat and travel in Accra. He wanted 'street smarts.' We donated a lunch
for him and our favorite companionship at the office canteen (total cost $5) and he got what
he needed. He has been working hard ever since. He served a mission in Argentina and picked
up a set of skills that enable him to do his current assignment. He is getting married later
this summer. We tease him that Ghana is easier than marriage preparations.

Lizzy and Ali Michelle, Andrea and Courtney
Lizzy Gilman and Ali Hansen
are involved in several service
projects this summer.
Michelle McMaster, Faustina Otoo,
Andrea Facer and Courtney Wilkes
This trio is working on a new
orphanage in Cape Coast.

UVSC Group
This group from UVSC is doing AIDS
education around Accra. They were in Cape
Coast touring when we met them. Kat
Kilebrew (right) got her mission call
the day before via a phone call from Mom
in Dallas. She is going to the San Diego
Mormon Battalion Visitors Center.
Kat Kilebrew

Genevieve Gribble
Genevieve Gribble
Genevieve is a law student at BYU. She is working an internship
with the Church Leagl Department in Africa. She is focusing on real estate
title issues. We hear that clear title is difficult to obtain or prove.
Our favorite real estate law story is about goats in Korle-bu hospital.
We have been told that it took 3 years to get approval to fence goats out
of the hospital grounds. Traditional law gives animals the right to wander
wherever they want, and eat what they find.

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